14-11-24 Congrats to Martin and our wonderful collaborators at NRC, Guillaume, Duncan, Philip, Frédéric and Ben. Our work on Gain-induced group delay in spontaneous parametric down-conversion appears in Phys. Rev. Lett. today. Moreover, Ryan Wilkinson wrote a nice synopsis of our work for Physics and so did Ingrid Fedeli for
13-11-24 Congrats to Yanic whose paper on the photon-number moments and cumulants of Gaussian states appears today on Quantum. This is the first paper from an undergraduate in the group!
18-09-24 Our work with Yuan and Filippo on Riemannian optimization of photonic quantum circuits in phase and Fock space is finally published on SciPost Physics.
05-09-24 Our tutorial on Matrix decompositions in Quantum Optics appears in Canadian Journal of Physics.
29-08-24 Javier, Karthik and Nicolás presented posters and an invited talk at CQICQ-X in Toronto.
21-08-24 Congrats to Jiaqi who presented his mémoire and now holds a Maîtrise
of the dark artsés sciences appliquées. -
25-07-24 Karthik’s work on Beyond the parametric approximation appears in Phys. Rev. A as an editors’ suggestion. Congrats Karthik!
14-06-24 Today we publicly release haarpy, our library to perform averages over the Haar measure using Weingarten functions. This work was led by undegrad extraordinaire Yanic Cardin in collaboration with our friend Hubert de Guise from Lakehead University.
05-06-24 Martin’s work on perfect pulsed inline twin-beam squeezers is published in AVS Quantum Science.
23-05-24 Our work in collaboration with Changhun Oh, Liang Jiang and Bill Fefferman from Chicago on Quantum-inspired classical algorithm for graph problems by Gaussian boson sampling appears on PRX Quantum.
13-05-24 New experimental collaboration with Guillaume, Duncan, Philip, Frédéric and Ben from NRC. Our friends in Ottawa measured a gain-induced group delay, a tell-tale sign of time-ordering corrections in SPDC. In collaboration with them, Martin developed theory in excellent agreement with their experiments.
06-05-24 Welcome Germain who is joining as an NSERC USRA student for the summer!
01-05-24 Congrats to Karthik who has been awarded a Bourse d’excellence pour étudiants(es) étrangers(ères) (PBEEE) 🎉🎉🎉 .
29-04-24 Martin and Nicolás will be presenting at the Quantum Information Science and Technology Workshop 2024 and also at CLEO.
23-04-24 Most of the group will be heading to the INTRIQ conference. Javier and Karthik will be presenting talks about their recent work!
25-03-24 Javier’s work in collaboration with Hubert de Guise from Lakehead on verification of quantum advantage in Gaussian Boson Sampling is out on the arXiv.
08-03-24 We visited our colleagues at NRC in Sussex Drive.
07-03-24 Our tutorial in collaboration with Will McCutcheon from Heriot-Watt on Matrix Decompositions in Quantum Optics appears on the arXiv.
19-01-24 Martin’s work on Perfect pulsed inline twin-beam squeezers appears on the arXiv.
For an archive of previous years follow the links below